New Logo!!

Well, after lots of hard work on Griffy’s part, I am very pleased to unveil my new logo!!  I really love how it’s turned out and that my good friend and roomie, Griffy, was the one who did it! (check out her other work here!) Without further ado,

The image shown as the “featured” blog image is most likely what the business cards will look like on one side… however, Griffy has also been so kind as to design that for me as well – so we shall see what she comes up with next ;) So exciting and official!!

Also, you can check out the new logo in action as a watermark.. since I fiiiinally uploaded some more images to the galleries. Check out {Styled Portraits & High School Seniors}, chances are if you’re a close friend or family you’re in there somewhere since I’ve inevitably borrowed you as a model at some point! (& I am much appreciative of having so many friends who are willing to do so!)

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