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Personal Portraits :: Photo Friendss!

Please meet my lovely photofrann B. Allen aka Brittney :) You may recognize her name from past posts talking about this little project that we’ve been working on.. and working on.. and sometimes getting distracted from. But we will create a book eventually! You’ll see!

But anyway, sometimes we just gotta make work just to make work! So that’s what we set out to do the other day. Actually, I also set out to take some photos for an online journal I submit to frequently. It’s an awesome creation brought to you by the awesome Jenny O’Grady, one of the wonderful friendly people I got (& still get) to work with at UMBC Magazine. It’s called the light ekphrastic, check it out here & here on facebook – it’s a great project for artists and writers to collaborate and make new work.

Ok but ANYWAY for real! Let’s do some photos before I’m off to bed for a whole six hours before subbing haha!

Oh and I’ll keep the comments to a minimum consider I should probably warn you – there’s a lot of photos!! Enjoy :)

haha I feel like us photographers get so confused on the other side of the lens (I for sure do), but Brittney was so awesome. Ah & I want your long long hair!!

OH MY GOSH. CUTIE. obsessed.

Sassypants ; )

Brittney in a cage hehe


Toreador times hahah oh my

Brittney’s camera

Exotic lady ; )

“Oh hi, I didn’t see you there. I was just capturing a rare bird on film.” hahahha <3

Easily amused… M’s and B’s!

I dub this, the senior squat. So silly! haha

A little experimental editing..

Can’t quite figure out why, but I’m a big fan of this next one:

That’s all folks! :)

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