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Reflections & Recent Photos on a Friday the 13th

I’ll be the first to admit I have a problem. Like boarderline addicted problem. to… twirling my hair. That’s kinda sad right? Sometimes, after a day of subbing (like today – which by the way wasn’t even hard because the english classes I had today were seriously like perfect for me!) but I just come home and I sit in front of my computer and I just twirl away. The best word I can think of is paralyzing. That’s what it is sometimes – like I sit there thinking “stop it. stop. do something else now. there’s a lot of stuff to do! go!” What is that about?! Seriously I need to get a grip on that. Which reminds me I need to get a grip on my life! That’s dramatic probably. Sorta.

But okay, I’m just sitting here thinking.. what’s up with 2012 so far? Well I need to finish what I started with restructuring the way I file my photographs on my computer (yikes) & I have piles of mail to sort through, including a bunch of mail and invoices shoved in a box from before Christmas cleaning. & then I think crap. I’m turning into my dad. I love my dad, but oh my god he is a pack rat. Can’t throw anything away. And for most of my life I feel like I’ve done a good job resisting that trait, ocassionally “purging” my clothes as I call it. But oh yeah, that’s another thing I’d really like to do. Go through, donate some stuff. Why do girls love clothes so much? Oh I’m so addicted to clothes. Speaking of addictions, thanks to my friend Kayla I’m addicted to Pinterest. WOW. I thought my Etsy-browsing was bad but wheewwww! I can’t stop! And I keep finding myself eye-drooling all over all these photos of pretty houses and lofts and exposed bricks and white walls and I want it so bad! gah. SO BAD. Did I mention I still live with my parents? Whoops. I mean, that shouldn’t be so terrible right? It’s actually really not. I’m just  finding myself in such an “in-between” of having tasted the independence of college, and being home and wondering why I don’t have the absolute control of where to put my stuff and how to decorate and to come and go as I please. But also feeling like I’m totally not ready yet. Financially, well the business has a ways to go! (I’m reading this book Rescue which is sorta sad but really good so far & I recommend it, but it’s making me keep thinking about an EMT having to literally jolt the life back into the biz..) But subbing helps & has been a great way to make connections. I just need to figure out how in the long run I’ll be able to make a salary from doing something I love. Okay, sometimes Adam draws attention to how much I complain. I really don’t mean to! So let me balance this out somewhat and say that I have been extremely fortunate and happy to have had the shoots I’ve had! & especially to have a job that doesn’t feel like work at all. I love photographing and I love editing. I guess I’ve just not felt so unorganized in a LONG time and I need to fix that FAST.

And so on that note, I have to laugh at myself some. Here I am just rambling away marrating away about things I need to do instead of doing them. Ah, typical me. But it’s time to get motivated! (By the way, for those that don’t know “marrating” is what my college roomies said I did all the time. It’s Mary (their nickname for me) + narrating… haha oh yes.)

Anyway, this is going to be my public declaration that I’m going to turn over a new leaf! Starting… very soon… like probably Monday. Or now, but mostly on Monday… more like turn back over to the leaf I used to be on when I was organized and had deadlines that I had to follow in college. I guess that’s really it – being your own boss means you’re accountable only to yourself, and it’s so easy to say “it’s okay selllllf… we’ll let this one go for now. Go ahead and go out for the night!” Bad self! No more of that! I refuse to let this file hoarding swallow me up! :) & to prove my point, I’m going to upload some recent photos right now! I’m finally all caught up for the moment between sessions, so these are sort of a miscellaneous bunch of things I’ve been up to. Plus, what’s a post without photos? :)


This is seriously my favorite time light of the day.

Griffy, adorable as ever! <3 Such a wonderful little model she is!

We lost light quickly, but this area (where the farm fair is held actually!) struck me as an absolutely perfect location for high school senior portraits! Especially since those involved with animal science at Tech might have their own memories here too!

tehehe – so colorful!

Like I said, losing light quickly. Which is why I sooo love the d700s low light capabilities. :)

cutie pai!

This park is so awesomely decorated! You may be seeing more of this for an upcoming session too :)




Bahaha this next one is so goofy. We stumbled upon a sippy cup! Griffy exclaims “shots!shots!shots!” oh dear


Even the parking lot seemed peaceful and pretty :) Harford County has some hidden gems!


& I think I’ll leave it at that. Sometimes I just wish there could be an infinite stream of photos that would be posted automatically so that I could spend more time shooting than posting! I always wish I could share more – hopefully this new leaf I’m turning (or whatever it is I said) well get me to share some more recent images soon too!

Happy Friday the 13th!

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